Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to college and now you’re planning for your transition. Follow our moving to college checklist to help you coordinate with your roommate, figure out your meal plan, plan for the packing and moving process, and find some helpful college apps.
Visit the School
You worked hard, studied for the SATs, and (finally!) are on your way to college. Congrats! Before the semester begins, pay a visit to the school to find your bearings. Familiarize yourself with the campus’s many buildings – particularly the ones where the majority of your classes will be held. Be sure to visit the Admissions Office to request maps and directions, as well as accepted students information and guidelines. The Admissions Office should also be able to give you advice on what to bring with you to college.
Consider Your Living Situation
Are you moving into student housing? Or do you have the option to live off-campus? A few months before moving to college, you’ll need to figure out where exactly you’re going to live. If you need to find a roommate, start your search now. Those moving into a college dorm for the first time will most likely be assigned a roommate by the university. If you prefer to live alone, ask whether the school offers single dorms. Also, be sure to check whether or not your dorm building comes outfitted with a kitchenette. Many college dorms also require that students share a communal bathroom with their hallmates. If this is the case, you’ll need to bring a few extra bathroom supplies including a portable caddy, flip flops and a bathrobe.
Contact Your New Roommate
After figuring out the living situation, contact your roommate to decide who will bring what. Given the small size of typical college dorms, you can bet there won’t be much space for bringing unnecessary items. If possible, split necessities with your roommate. This way you won’t end up with two TVs, two lounge chairs or two futons. If you’re interested in coordinating your linens and decor with your roommate, be sure to decide on a reasonable budget together.
Figure Out Meal Plan
If you haven’t already decided on a meal plan, start exploring the dining options at your school. Some colleges require Freshman to purchase a meal plan, while others allow students to pick and choose meal plans as they please. Keep in mind that if you decide to eat in the school’s dining hall for the majority of your meals, you probably won’t need to bring many kitchen supplies with you.
Determine Moving Method
How are you planning to move to college? A few options include driving yourself, having your parents drive you, and booking a truck rental or trailer. Those who need their cars on campus should drive themselves. If the car lacks enough space, consider renting a trailer. If you’re moving with only a few boxes and necessities, then you can probably skip the truck rental. After considering the pros and cons of each moving method, pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Book a Truck Rental or Trailer
If your parent’s minivan simply isn’t going to cut it, you should consider renting a moving truck or trailer to assist you with the upcoming college move. Fortunately, there are plenty of quality moving truck rental companies to choose from. To find the one that best fits your moving day budget and needs, check out Moversnearyou.info’s Truck Rental Center. Within our truck rental center, you’ll find information and discounts on various rental truck companies.
Write Out a Packing List
Go ahead and write out your packing list. Organize the college packing list by categories (e.g. laundry, bedding, kitchen, school supplies, closet, toiletries, tech necessities and decor). Categorizing your list will allow you to coordinate the packing more easily. For specifics on what to pack, read a full list of what to bring when moving into a college dorm.
Pack Boxes
Finished your moving checklist? It’s time to start the tedious process of packing up your things. Remember that not everything will be allowed on campus. Be sure to double-check the housing department’s policy on prohibited and hazardous dorm room items. In addition, place all important items, such as passports and IDs, in a separate, clearly labeled box or folder. This will prevent them from getting lost during the moving process.
Get an Early Start on Moving
Start packing the car in the AM, so you can hit the road early. To conserve space in your car or truck rental, be sure to roll up rugs and disassemble all furniture beforehand. Also, use moving blankets and mattress bags to prevent damage to belongings. Read more tips on how to pack a moving truck like a pro.
Make New Friends
Adjusting to tough classes, exhausting all-nighters and an endless parade of social events can be challenging for many. To make it easier during those first few months, focus on finding friends. From social clubs and sports teams to classes and study groups, there are plenty of ways to make new friends in college. Just remember: while building new friendships certainly takes time, it will be well worth your effort.
Pick Up Your Books
Make sure to pick up any and all books you need before classes begin. Academic books can usually be found at your school bookstore or purchased online. Fortunately, most students aren’t required to purchase brand new books. To find pre-owned, budget-friendly books, try looking at your local library or an online marketplace, such as CampusBooks.
Download Helpful Smartphone Apps
Fortunately, there are plenty of smartphone apps to help make your college experience an easier one. Several apps to consider downloading include: Brainscape, a mobile flashcard app designed to help students study; CampusBooks, an app that allows students to search for books and find the best deals online; Circle of 6, an app designed to prevent violence before it happens; EasyBib, an app that automatically generates all of a college student’s citations for them in any format they need; Todoist, an app designed to assist with task management; and Mint, an app that helps students stay on top of bills, credit cards and other finances. Read 10 mobile apps to help ease the transition to college.
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