Great job getting the job offer, now it’s time to take the next steps and plan for your relocation. Our job relocation checklist will help you plan out your move and not miss any steps.
Visit the New Office
So you’ve accepted a job in a new city – congratulations! A few months before moving, schedule a time to visit your new city and office building. Not only will this alleviate first day jitters (and give you a good lay of the land), but it will also make your transition to the new job a successful one. Just be sure to let your employer know about the visit beforehand.
Connect With Employees
When visiting your new city, ask to grab coffee with other employees at the same company. If they also relocated for the job, they could be full of great advice on how to get settled in your new city.
Ask About Relocation Packages
If moving for work, you should ask your employer whether or not they plan to cover moving expenses. Many companies offer an assortment of relocation packages to employees. While relocation packages vary from company to company, most large employers will cover at least part of the move. Be sure to speak directly to the human resources department to find out any job relocation specifics.
Consider the Cost of Living
When searching for a new home, be sure to consider the city’s cost of living. For instance, are restaurants pricey? Or is it a cheap place to eat out? Are public transportation options fairly expensive? Or is the price of gas relatively low? Be sure to also look into average rental costs and home prices in the city’s various neighborhoods.
Determine Your Ideal Work Commute
How far are you willing to commute to work? While many will happily settle for a longer drive from the suburbs, others may prefer to live within walking distance of their office. Whatever your preference, just make sure to carefully consider your options and your budget before signing a lease or purchasing a home.
Find a New Home
If you’re able to do so, start your housing search a couple of months before the move. Be sure to hire a reputable and experienced Realtor to show you around the city’s various neighborhoods. You can also learn more about your community through Moversnearyou.info’s helpful Neighborhood Guides and City Reports.
Budget Accordingly
Before hiring a moving company or committing to a DIY move, figure out your overall relocation budget. Be sure to take into account how much your company is willing to cover when it comes to moving expenses. Keep in mind that moving companies are pricey and typically cost around $5,000 for a long distance move.
Track Your Moving Expenses
Begin keeping track of all moving expenses – especially if your job is paying for the relocation. Keep all receipts and credit card statements in an easy to find place. After your move, you’ll need to provide copies to your employer for reimbursement purposes. Important expenses to keep track of include moving company services, truck rentals, car shipping and packing supplies.
Save All Travel Receipts
Don’t forget to save all necessary travel receipts as well! Whether you’re paying for gasoline or an expensive airplane ticket, be sure to keep track of any travel expenses that pertain to moving.
Schedule the Movers
If you’re planning to hire professional movers, go ahead and schedule a reputable moving company as soon as possible. When choosing a move date, keep in mind that the specific day, week and month you pick will affect the cost of your move. Moving during peak season (May to September) will likely cost more. The same goes for weekend moves. If your budget is tight, aim for a weekday move during the off-season months.
Reserve a Storage Unit
Need temporary storage while you relocate? Consider booking a storage unit through Moversnearyou.info’s free Storage Center. All you have to do is type in your zip code and click the “find storage” button. Moversnearyou.info will pull quotes from the closest storage unit facilities near your new home.
Figure Out Temporary Housing
If you need a temporary place to live during the first few weeks in a new city, try looking for short-term rentals on Realtor.com, Airbnb or VRBO. Be sure to also ask whether or not your company plans to cover any short-term housing costs after you move.
Schedule Car Shipping Service
If you need to ship your vehicle to your new home, contact a car shipping service at least a month in advance to make arrangements. Read more on the best ways to ship your car to a new city.
Prep Your Wardrobe
Moving from one climate to another means you may need to tailor your work wardrobe before moving. If moving to a cold weather city, try adding warm layers and outerwear options to your closet. If moving to a warm city, focus on light-weight clothing made of cotton and linen fabrics. These weather-appropriate basics should help you adjust to the new city with ease.
Forward Mail
Several weeks before moving, go to USPS.com and choose the date you want to begin forwarding your mail. If you wish to rent a PO Box in your new city, check out Moversnearyou.info’s guide to setting up a PO Box when you move.
Transfer Utilities
Let all of your current utility service providers know about your move. Utilities include cable and internet, water and sewer, gas, electricity, satellite, security system, trash and phone. Research utility companies in your new area and schedule installation dates. Make sure you have important utilities such as electricity and cable turned on in your new home before you move. Read more tips on how to transfer utilities before moving.
Pack an Essentials Bag
The day before you move, make sure to pack all essentials in your suitcase. Since you might not receive moving boxes for a week or two after the relocation, it’s important that you have your necessities with you. Essentials may include pajamas, toiletries, clothing, shoes, medications, pet and baby necessities, as well as any important documents or valuables. You may also want to consider packing a special “Moving Day” bag with trash bags, light bulbs, scissors, tools, flashlights, paper towels, toilet paper and bed linens. Read more tips on packing essentials here.
Rent a Car
Those shipping their own cars to their new home may have to wait a week or more to receive their vehicles. If this is the case (and public transportation isn’t an option), try renting a car to get you through the first few weeks. Driving around the area is also one of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the new city.
Research State-Specific Tax Laws
Moving to a new state? Be sure to look into any state-specific tax rules. If moving to a state without income tax, keep in mind that you may be able to pocket quite a bit more money than you did in your previous job. In order to take advantage of a state’s tax benefits, you may need to establish domicile within the first few weeks. To find information on the various ways to establish domicile in your new state, check out the state’s official government website.
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